Oh Hey, I’m in Cosmo

I recently did an interview with Cosmo about food allergies. No, it’s not a list of 37 food allergies to try in bed, though that sounds…interesting.

Check it out here: http://www.cosmopolitan.com/health-fitness/interviews/a38421/what-its-like-to-be-allergic-to-almost-every-food/

One response

  1. Hi Cindy, I certainly feel for you over your allergy issues and now know how you have struggled as I too have just started similar symptoms at the ripe age of 60, I too cannot eat most foods right now in fact most of the ones on your list in the Cosmo article. I have been feeling really down and sorry for myself but after reading your article and not feeling so alone it has encouraged me to smile and be thankful. I am curious about these injections that now allow you to eat those allergic foods your once were not able to? I am really getting fed up with meat, potato and rice. Any tips you could give for making meal times a little more interesting would be greatly appreciated. I am able to tolerate small amounts of spinach and tomato and some apple but other than that all other plants seem to give me hives and an aching gut. Did your doctor recommend any type of supplement that you were able to tolerate? Sorry for all the questions but I am so thrilled to be able to talk to someone who understands. Some of my friends look at me like I am a freak when I tell them I cannot eat lettuce! I am so happy for you to be able to enjoy many more foods now.
    Best regards, Lorraine

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