September’s Living with Food Allergy Blog Carnival

I’m so thrilled to be a part of this blog carnival, with some amazing posts by other writers and members of the food allergic community.

Weird that I think of it as a community nowadays, but I do. It’s as though at every corner I meet someone new with a food allergy or two…or several. And it’s kind of nice to know that people are more open about this health issue and what it means for how we eat, etc.

Anyway, check out the carnival here. I particularly connected with The Journey of Food Allergies post and I thought this teenage boy’s take on kissing with a nut allergy was just delightful. But read the rest of the posts, too — lots of great information in there! And thanks to Caroline “Grateful Foodie” for hosting!

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  1. Pingback: Food Allergies and Communal Meals, Rant 1: Hosts | allergyepisodes

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